Land Measurements

Land Measurements

If you are buying property in Thailand the measurements can become confusing. It is neither imperial nor metric. We have a convertor on our site to convert Rai into square meters. The Thai system has not changed and when buying property it is best to understand it. The metric system was officially introduced by a […]

Buying a Condo

Buying a Condo in Thailand

Foreigners or expatriates prefer to lease or buy condominiums in Thailand. Some buy it for retirement while others buy it to rent out and only use it as a holiday home. There are different options with regards to property in Thailand. Buying a condo in Thailand is much easier that trying to buy a villa […]

Thailand Lawyer : Property

Thailand Lawyer

Buying property in Thailand will always require the assistance of a lawyer. With branches in Bangkok, Pattaya, Samui, Phuket, Chiang Mai and Hua Hin. We at Law Firm are able to offer you the best service possible in Thailand as the largest legal services network in the country. Speak to us about your property transactions […]

Title Deeds in Thailand

Title Deeds in Thailand

Title Deeds in Thailand are divided into different classes. Some of the title deeds are very limiting as it has been assigned by the government for a special purpose. Certain title deeds are only for possession and not ownership. Let me explain. Chanote This is also known as the Nor Sor 4 Jor which is […]